WIn Win Online Shop Joining Programme

Win WIN 特有加盟活动
Win Win Joining Programme

 特优加盟费为 RM500 ( NP RM899)   
 Premium Joining Fee is RM 500. (NP : RM899)
  RM500 of premium joining fee is for 5-year period. If you wish to continue after 5 years, you will have to pay extra RM10 for the joining fee.

1. RM 500特优加盟费用包括  
RM500 of joining fee includes

-         免费RM500产品
Free Products Worth RM500
-         一个属于自己的LOGO。(价值RM200
Online Shop’s LOGO (worth RM200)
-         免费pendrive(存放所有货品照片和资料)
Free Pendrive (Store all the product’s photos and information)

* ( 样本将由WinWIn随机发出,不得选择 )
*(sample is sent by WinWIn automatically, not allow to choose)

2.  为什么提供代发?
why provide issue goods service?
this is because premium members do not need to stock the goods at home, and no need to put a sum of money to buy the goods.

3. 不用存货!利润高达200%
no need to stock goods! profit can reach up to 200%.

example 1, magic shirt selling price is RM138, wholesale price is RM70.
your profit is RM68

例子2 Hello Kitty 手机零售价RM480,批发价RM350
example 2: Hello Kitty handphone accessories selling price is RM480, whole sale price is RM350.
您的利润是RM130 your profit is RM130.

-提供详细product Knowledge
- Online 销售技巧

其他附加条规:other additional conditions:
 1 网站上的一切服饰图片/或消息,加盟会员必须自己做更新与更换。    all the pictures of clothing and news on website, premium members have to update and replace by themselves.
2 所有的价钱视为不二价。all the prices are fixed.
3 所有一切邮费由买家负责。all the postage fees will be paid by buyers.

take action immediately! get your additional income now!

我们WIN WIN瞄准网络市场!齐齐赚大钱  WIN WIN target network markt! let's earn money together!

1147 8509 2602 Goh Anna Maybank
1442 0079 8335 21 Goh Anna CIMB Bank
4625 4524 01 goh nina Public Bank
 *介绍朋友JOIN WIN WIN,获得RM100介绍费。introduce a friend to join WIN WIN, you will get RM100. 

Own an online Shop within 2-3days NOW!!!

thank you!